Monday, August 27, 2018

Outstanding NZ Food Producer Awards

This is what happens when you randomly entered a competition about free food. I remember it vaguely said some about tagging a friend and win some tickets to a local restaurant. I thought it was 2 tickets to have a meal in their restaurant but it was 2 tickets to this, a prestigious event held at VAULT21.

"We enjoyed a marvellous dinner by Executive Chef Greg Piner of VAULT 21, matched with Marlborough's Ara Wines. Thank you to Simon Berry, CEO at Whitestone Cheese and Kate Coughlan, editor of NZ Life & Leisure (This NZ Life) for your delightful stories!
A round of applause to our featured producers: Genevieve's, Prodigal Daughter, Turk's Corn Fed Free Range Poultry, The Whole Mix, Clevedon Buffalo, Grass Fed Girls and Homegrown Farm Fresh Meats, Marlborough Garlic Ltd - NZ Garlic & Shallot growers, Whitestone Cheese, and Jennyskitchen"

My friend who I was taking with me, at the last minute, pulled out due to sickness.  Well, me being me...scrolled through my F.B friends and couldn't find a single person person to share this I got my walk on...since I was at work (work in a local mall) and started asking store employees if anyone wanted a free feed and hang out with me for a couple hours...believe it or not I got a taker!! And what a bloody hoot we had! I got to hang with a pretty cool chick (someone that I wouldn't normally hang with) and enjoyed a certainly fantastic spread of deliciousness and that alone makes me wanna try more things like this but in a different environment.

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